Way To Work

Socrates Software

Socrates Software is working with probationers to tackle unemployment and help reduce reoffending rates.

The challenges around this sector are immense, and getting people into meaningful work in a constantly changing modern environment is complex, particularly if they have not worked for some time. Way to Work is using Ufi funding to build a platform that will offer detailed job pathways, with up to date, personalised information about jobs and the skills and qualifications required for them.

Relevant learning and training content will also be included within the pathways. These pathways will be linked to real job opportunities with partner employers, who will also be able to provide their own training modules and other content for candidates.

The Discovery Phase enabled the team to look in depth at what was currently being delivered in prisons and for those transitioning back into work. The information uncovered highlighted a significant gap where learners needed much more support as they moved from one system to another and lost continuity in their learning. It also built partnerships that will help Socrates to effectively support these hard-to-reach learners at a critical time in their lives.